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Stichting Europees Centrum voor Ontwikkelingsmanagement (European Centre for Development Policy Management)
Maastricht - Limburg
Stichting Europees Centrum voor Ontwikkelingsmanagement (European Centre for Development Policy Management)
Overkoepelende organen en samenwerkings- en adviesorganen (niet op het gebied van gezondheids- en welzijnszorg, sport en recreatie)
10-49 wn.
Onze Lieve Vrouweplein 21
+31 +32 -2023 -2026 0 00 08 1 1040 11 2 20 2022 2024 2025 2027 21 25 29 3 30 35 350 37 4 43 44 50 6 6211 65 882 9 a about actor advic africa africa-eu africa-europ african against al-assad all allow analys analysis and anna any are argue art assad at authorities avenue backdrop balanc bashar brussel by can carer centr challenges chang changing chloe choices clean climat collap commentary condition consent contact cookie cookies cooperation corporat countries crises crisis curbing department des desmidt detail development diplomacy do document domestic ecdpm economy edition effect election emphasises energy escalat eu europ european event experienc expert explores faces fall falling find fod follow for foreign fresh funder funding geopolitic geopolitical global governanc hann hav he her horizon hous how ideas impact implication importanc improv inclusiv independent information institutional international into invest it jun karkar key knaep knoll labour landscap leader leading liev lok maastricht mak manag market melody member met migration mobility moment mor musoni necessary new newsletter october offices on onz optimis other our out parliament partner partnership peac pelican performanc plan policies policy political poorva populist preferences pres previous privacy project provid question read reflexes regim regional related relation relationship research reshap risk s security selection series set setting shifting sign significant sophie stag states statistic steppfos strategic sustainabl syria tank teevan term that the thes think this thorough tim times to topic trad training transition tte up updat us use uses victim view vrouweplein want we websit weekly what whil who with work worldwid year you your
Vind meer informatie over Stichting Europees Centrum voor Ontwikkelingsmanagement (European Centre for Development Policy Management) in de interactieve versie