KOND Consultancy
Helmond - Noord-Brabant
KOND Consultancy
Advisering en ondersteuning op het gebied van informatietechnologie
2-4 werknemers
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+31 -1 -33 -995 1 218 6 87132524 a about acros afterward agreement ai all alway an and are area as asap be binding bok both broad busines call can challeng client complet computer consult consultancy consultation contact courses crisis curricula customized degres deliver detail develop development do edtech education eindhov every experienc experienced find for free get grow half half-an-hour hanna happen hello@kond.eu helping hour humanities impactful implementation initial innovation into introductory it kirill knowledg kond.eu kvk lead learn learning let level long magic manag management meeting mentorship met ml mor non non-bind notes nummer offlin on onlin other our out outcomes partner passionat pedagogic perform personalized phd problem project quality recorded research s schedul scienc scientist sector send senior services short short-term softwar solution som stack striving succes teaching tech technical technology term the their thos to together transformativ translat upon us video way we well what who will with work working you your
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