Vermilion Energy Netherlands B.V.
Harlingen - Friesland
Vermilion Energy Netherlands B.V.
Vervaardiging van industriële gassen
10-49 wn.
Zuidwalweg 2
+33 +49 +61 -0.05 -0.36 -269 -2858 -2859 -307 -403 -476 -484 -4884 -4886 -621 -687 -8100 -8101 -844 -855 -866 -895 0 0.12 0011 0300 0517 06 0r3 1 13.97 14 15 18 2023 2024 2025 2273 23 30 32 333 3500 3rd 44 4484 493 511 520 7 8 800 834 866 9215 a abbreviation about acces activ alberta america an and announces any applicabl archived around as asset at australia avenue bas below best by calgary call canada car carer cash cdn click committed communities community conferenc confirm consistent constitut contact corporat dat detail disclaim diversified divid does earn email emergency ended energy ensur environment environmental europ event excellenc except f filing financial flow focused for franc free fully gas germany globally great hav head health helped her historical hom inc information initiatives innovativ internationally invest investor item january latest law learn legal liability location measur media month monthly mor netherland new nin no north not nov november obligation oct offic offshor oil on onlin onshor open operat operates operation opportunities or our overview p payment peopl plac policies pres presentation privacy producer properties protect provided provides purposes q3 read recent recognition referenc region relation releas releases report representation required respect responsibility responsibl result safety see september solely stability submit such sustainability sw t2p talented the this three to trust undertakes updat updated us usa use vermilion vet view we webcast which whistleblower with work workforc working workplac world
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