J.R. Ship Management B.V.
Harlingen - Friesland
J.R. Ship Management B.V.
Holdings (geen financiële)
10-49 wn.
Korte Lijnbaan 25
+31 0 1 10 100 13 14 17 1993 2 2023 2023/2024 2024 2025 21 22 225 25 29 3 31 4 431 517 7 8860 8861 9 a aa about activ advertenties adverter akkoord all all-round an analys analyser and annual appear art as at availabl bank based basis ben bied blijft bond box broker brokerag broking building busines bv carer charter charterer chos co co-operation combiner commercial commitment companies company complex confeeder confidenc consent consultancy contact container content cookies cour crew current december dedicated del detail disclaimer discover download dutch dynamism english excellenc expert expertis explain feeder fellow financ financial flet flexibility focus focuses follow for from functies gat gebruik gegeven god group harling has high how impact includ info@jrshipping.com informatie information inspires institutional integrity international investment investor its jr jun key know know-how knowledg kort latest level lijnban local lok maakt management maritim market marzip media mor multipurpos mv netherland new noodzak november ns offshor ok on one onz operation other our p.o participation partner partnership period personaliser personnel pillar placed placement places post privacy prof professionalism project prov quality ranging read realises realization reliability report resilienc responsibility restructur retail rof round safety sea seazip selection sen send servic services sharing ship shipping shipyard short sit sitemap skill social specialis stat state-of-the-art statistiek step stres stress-prof successful successfully supervision supplier supplies support sustainability sustainabl tak tall technical technology the tim timing to ton toward transition under updates us verstrekt verzameld vessel visit voorkeur we websit websites websiteverker webwijs with your
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