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PendraCare International B.V.
Leek - Groningen
PendraCare International B.V.
Vervaardiging van bestralingsapparatuur en van elektromedische en elektrotherapeutische apparatuur
50-99 wn.
Van der Waalspark 22
+31850073000 -22 13485 20 2024 25 9351 a about advanc all and angiographic anvisa application are art as at based being brand bring capabilities car cardiovascular catheter catheter-based centric certified cfda combin committed comprehensiv concept condition contact contract coronary country cutting cutting-edg dedicated develop development devic devices distribution doctor download driv edg empower europ every evolv experienc expertis fda finished for from fully functional guiding healthcar helping high hom improv includ industry innovation innovativ iso job kfda leader lek lives local manufactur market matter mdd mdr medical met mission mor multipl ned netherland no oem offer our outcomes own partner partnership passion patient patient-centric pendracar peripheral policy privacy product professional quality read registration reliability reliabl research reserved right semi semi-finished servic solution specializ stat state-of-the-art tailored technologies technology term that the through to under us use vacancy vascular vc waalspark we welcom well wellinq what with worldwid year
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