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Niestern-Sander Scheepsbouw B.V.
Farmsum - Groningen
Niestern-Sander Scheepsbouw B.V.
Bouw van schepen en drijvend materieel (geen sport- en recreatievaartuigen)
50-99 wn.
Venjelaan 6
+31 100 108 11 1901 1912 1927 1953 1970 1980 2 2001 2005 2008 2024 21 22 24 3.923 4 400 596 5m 6 649 649400 9930 9936 a about ac accord accordanc acquired activities afstuder after aftermovie alexia all already also amalia among amount an analys and apol appingedam are as at august award award-winn awarded back barg be becam berend best better both box br brother build building built bv by call called cam can canal carer cases ceased celebrat central choic chos coaster commitment companies company complement complex condition connection conscious consent contact continu continue contract conversion cookies count created customer customer-oriented cutting declin decommission defilet delfzijl delivery dep design develop dimension direct director disclaimer discover disposal do dock don dry dutch easymax eemshav efficiency egbert enduranc energy eni enjoy entirely equipped event existed experienc expertis facilities familiy far farmsum first flet follow for fourth from fulfill full g14b generation geo gerhardus group has he her highlight his history homeport hq hs hug includ industry it itself jacob july just know knowledg known later latest launch launched launching left ler lik linkedin located location lop lot machin maintain maintenanc major many mark maxima merged mileston milestones mobiliz mobilization modern moment mor mov moved much mv nam named near netherland new newbuild niest niestern no north northern now offer offshor oft ok on ont oriented other our p.o patrick pax plasma platform pleas plus policy ponton port possessed powerful practices present privacy problem produced professional project proudly quality ranger read recent repair rov royal s sander scheepsbouwmij sea sector series servic services shareholder shares ship shipbuild shipbuilder shipping shipyard shop sid significant sister sit slipway so sol son specialism specialized stag start started stel step strategic strong successfully successor support survey sustainabl target task tel term than
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