DNV GL Netherlands
Groningen - Groningen
DNV GL Netherlands
Technisch speur- en ontwikkelingswerk
50-99 wn.
Energieweg 17
03 11 20 2024 2025 2050 27 a about accept acros advanced aerospac ai all also an analyz and annual answer apis application applied aquacultur are as assist at authorities automotiv barrier beverag biggest blue bring bringing but by can carer challenges cleaner click climat clos collect commercializ committee companies company complexities confidenc contact content control cookie cookies copy copyright creat creating critical crucial cyber cybersecurity data decod deep-div demonstrat dep desir det development devic digital digitalization div diversification dnv dnv.com dominated download during economy efficiency efficient effort electricity enables energy enhanc enter entir equipment esg event ever exchang expand experienc expert expertis extraordinary facilitat farmer february fill find first first-ever fish floating fod follow for from futur gain gap generation geographic germany gl global go graphic gren group guidelin has healthcar help helping highlight horizon how imo incorporat independenc independent industrial industry information innovation insight into invit issues it its job join just key keyword landscap latest learn lif lik location locator lok looking main manag management march maritim market matter media met mis model monitor mor narrowly navigat navigation new next no norsk ocean offic offshor on open operation opportunities opportunity order organization other our outlok pag path peopl performanc period platform play policy position possibilities power practical practices privacy proces promotional properties provid provides purpos question rapidly read receiv recognition recommended reject renewables report reserved right risk rol s saf safeguard saipem search sector sectoral secur series services set setting shaping ship shipping sign simplify skill skip slid social solution som sources sse stakeholder start statement stored struggl sub sub-committee supply support sustainabl system target team technology term than that the their ther thes this
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