Concentrix Nederland B.V.
Groningen - Groningen
Concentrix Nederland B.V.
50-99 wn.
Eemsgolaan 9
+1 -0583 -747 -800 2.000 2024 2025 30 4e a aanpak about absolut accept acros act ads advertis ai ai-assistent all allemal allen allow analytic and anticiper are areas as assessment assistant assistent at automotiv award b2b back banking bas be bedrijv beher behoeft believ benodigd betrouw better bied blog bouw busines by california carer cas catalyst chang changer chaos clarity cod combiner commitment communication communicer communities companies complexiteit concentrix conduct connect consent consumer contact content cookies corporation crer customer customiz customizabl dag data day default deliver dep design detail digital dn do dynamisch e e-verify e-wast ecommerc een efficient electronic elk enabl end end-to- energy enhanc enrich enterpris erkent ervar essential event everest experienc experiences expertis fact featured financial financiel fiv focus focused for forc from fueled fully functional gam game-changer gan gdpr geavanceerd gehel geimplementeerd geintegreerd genai genai-powered gewon giving global god goed government groei grootst group hallo health healthcar hello help highest impact includes industrieen industries industry information innovativ insight inspir insuranc intelligenc intelligence-fueled intelligent interact interacties introduces investor inzicht it ix jaarlijk jouw juist kans kennis key klant knowledg koploper kwartal launch leader leadership legal let level lez lik limited lives location loyaliteit mak manier matrix may medewerker media mee meest mens menselijk merk merkt miljard moderniser moet mogelijk moment mor morg my nederland new nieuw off on ondersteun one only ontdek ontmoet ontwerp onz onzicht operaties operation oploss option organisatie organisaties other our outlok parties partner peak perfect persbericht personalization planet pleas policy power powered practices preferences privacy product productivity property provid public purpos rapporteert reach recognition refreshingly relevant report required research reserved resp
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