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Learning Hub Friesland B.V.
Leeuwarden - Friesland
Learning Hub Friesland B.V.
Bedrijfsopleiding en -training
5-9 wn.
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2 2024 21st 22 24 9 a about actively adventur aim allow also alway ameland an and another are betwen bonding bringing by century challenges chanc chances changing check closer collaboration colleg colleges comes comfort coming contact cooperat cooperation creat creating creativ curious current develop development differently do easier education educational enables eu europ european experienc explor fac faces for foundation friesland from gain gained global glocal goal groning hav help highlight hom how hub if innovation interested international internationally into it joint july kep knowledg latest learning leeuward link local lok mak meeting mindset mor much nessie netherland network never new nl october offer on one open operat or organisation other our out own partner peopl perspectiv portrait prepar primary project putting quicker rapidly read ready realities regional research s schol secondary sector seeking september shar society solution solving stand start stepping stimulat strengthen student system tackling teach team that the them they thing thos through to together tol truly universities university up us valuabl water we wek welcomes which who with work working workshop year you young your zon
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