Hawar Information Technology B.V.
Sneek - Friesland
Hawar Information Technology B.V.
Ontwikkelen, produceren en uitgeven van software
10-49 wn.
Hendrik Bulthuisweg 1
+31 +880 -1 -11 -1216 -3 -7 -8 /1 1 15 1909 1994 20 2000 2025 2d 333 3d 450 515 570 8606 911 a a.k.a abl about acros action activity add administrativ aerial/drone aerial/satellite agency agricultural airborn aircraft airplan all alphanumerical also amaz ambitious an analyst analyz and angles any application approach are areas art as associat at authentication authorization autodesk automation autonomous back background backscattered bangladesh based bd be becam being ben best better betwen bim both boundaries box bscic build building built bulthuisweg busines by byot cad cad/gis-driven call can capabl captivat captures carer cases chalo chalois city client closed cloud collaboration collaboratively color combines communication companies company complex consist construction consult contact containers/units content content-dependent contour conventional copyright cor cost cost-effectiv creat created custom customer customized cut cutted cv data databas dataset day day-to-day decided definition delivery dem demonstrat density dependent detailed detection determin develop developer development dhaka different digital digitization dijkorad dimensional director discover distanc distances domain doorstep download drawing dron dsm dtm dutch/bangladeshi ecw effectiv electronic elevation enginer engines ensched ensur environment erik esri established etc even execution expertis fac face-to-fac few field flexibility flexibl flyer focus for form free frequent from functionality generally generic geo geo-ict geometric geospatial gis gis-engines gis-product gives go government gps graduated graphical ground happy has hav hawarit hawarit.com hendrik her hey high high-density high-quality highest hom hub hybrid ict identification if illuminat imag images importanc impressed includ incorporat independent industry inevitabl info information input instrument integration integrity interact interaction interview it kb land larg laser last legal leica level lidar light lik limited linki
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