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TKH Group N.V.
Haaksbergen - Overijssel
TKH Group N.V.
Financiële holdings
meer dan 1000 werknemers
Spinnerstraat 15
0 1 12 18 2 2023 2024 23 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 90 a about activ advanced advantag affect ai an analytical and answer approach are automat automation award benefit best best-in-clas better buyback by cabl calendar cancel center centric challenges changing clas class-lead closely combin combined communication company competitiv complet condition connect connectivity contact continually contribut control cookie cookies corporat countries creat creating creation cultur cupertino customer customer-centric customer-focused customized data deliver detect develop differentiated differentiation digitalization discover distribution doing down driv driving effectiv effectively efficiency efficient electricification electrification employes energy enginer enhanc entrepreneurship environment error esg ever exist experienc fibr financial flexibility focus focused for founded function further generation globally governanc group growth guided hardwar headquarter helping high high-tech highly history hom how i improved industrial infrastructur innovation innovativ insight integrat integrated invest investor leader leading linked long long-term m machin mak management manufactu manufactur market maximiz monitor mor network new newsrom next next-generation nov oct on one one-stop-shop open operat optic optimiz our peopl pirelli play plug plug-and-play portfolio possibilities powerful pres privacy processes production properly provid provides publication purposeful pursue q3 quality quickly read real real-world recent releas releases requirement respond result return ring sales scroll sdgs seamlessly search security shar shares shop smart smarter smoother so softwar specializ specialized statement stop strategy streamlin succes supplier support sustainability sustainabl sustainably system tech technologies technology term that the this tkh to trend true turnover understand unique unwaver updat urban us use video vision visit vmi watch we websit welcom why win with work working world worldwid y
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