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Holland Shielding Systems B.V.
Dordrecht - Zuid-Holland
Holland Shielding Systems B.V.
Groothandel in elektronische en telecommunicatieapparatuur en bijbehorende onderdelen
50-99 wn.
Jacobus Lipsweg 124
+31 0 124 13 140 1985 24000 30 3316bp 613 6131366 614 66 78 85 95 a abl accord all almost also and anechoic any are as b.v based becaus building by cag cages cellular center chamber client clothing collaborat combination communication complet complianc component concession conductiv construct continuously cost cost-effectiv creat customer customization data db dc defenc delivery design designed develop devices different dor dordrecht durability easy eavesdropp economical effectiv electrosmog emc emi emi/rfi emission emp enginer faraday fax final fingerstrip flexibility foil foils.custom for forensic frequency from gasket ghz group hemp holland hom honeycomb hous immunity industrial industry information innovativ installation jacobus lab laboratories lipsweg magnetic maintain manufactur medical modular most mri ned netherland neurology neuroscienc optimal or our out outstand own panel part pcb performanc phas phon prefabricated problem product production protection protectiv quality question rang research result rfi rom sensitiv server services serving shielded shielding ship short sinc solution solv specializes speciallized specific stand standard system tapes team technical technically tent test testing the through tim times to transparent unique up ventilation we welcom wid will window wireles wishes with without world you your
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