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Schlumberger Petroleum Services C.V.
's-Gravenhage - Zuid-Holland
Schlumberger Petroleum Services C.V.
Dienstverlening voor de winning van aardolie en aardgas
100-499 wn.
Parkstraat 83
0.00 12th 1st 2024 43.75 8th a abat about accelerat accelerated accept acces acros action adopted advances agree all alumni analyz and ann approach are assist at award azores balanced be big boundaries bring by call camera can captur carbon carer cas challenges clicking company complex conferenc consult contact content cookies copyright cutting decarboniz decarbonization deliver detection devic digital discover discus diver drilling driving effort elimination emission energy enginer enhanc ensur entir equity event excellenc expertis explor find focus follow footprint for forefront free gas geothermal global glossary governanc greatest gulf harness helpful helping her high high-sped hom honored hosted how incident industrial industrial-scal industries industry information innovat innovation insight insightful intelligent interest investor know know-how landscap latest launches leading learn lidar link list lithium liv market mean met methan mor most must navigation ned new newsrom november oil on or other our out overcom paper part partner patent peopl pioner planet power preferences premium pressing privacy product production pushing quarter quickly re rechargeabl recognized red reduction register reject relation releas report repsol reserved resources result right robertson robertson-tait s scal scaled scaling scienc security see sequestration servic services setting sign sinopec sit sitemap slb softwar solution solving sources sped stag start storing stream studies study support sustainability sustainabl system tailored tait team technical technology telemetry term that the think third third-quarter tim to together transform trial up updat us usag view we well which whil with working you your
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