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Bergmans Textile Agencies
Amsterdam - Noord-Holland
Bergmans Textile Agencies
Handelsbemiddeling in textiel, kleding, schoeisel en lederwaren
2-4 werknemers
Adres verborgen. Dit bedrijf wil geen ongevraagde postreclame of verkoop aan de deur.
+4 -02 -1 -35756691 /9/2024 1902 1990 24/7 3 a activ administration advic affiliat after agencies agent all allianc allow american amsterdam an and any anyth anywher are arrang articles basis be becam ben bergman best better beyond blog booth busines by call can chang changes changing china chines cities clear client clos co collection colour combined companies company conduct consumer contact control customer dat data decided delivery designed develop development district do documentation don driv early easy eighties established europ european ever excellenc exist expect expertis export fabric fashion fast faster fel find for from fulfill fully garment go group guido hall happ has hav he his holding hom how i if inc inform interest international it jinsi keyword know knowledg larg latest licenses lif long looking lot major mak maker makes manufacturer market material meterwar modern most munich ned needed new next nineties offic offices on onc one operational or order organiz our part perfect permanent piecegod placed polyester position prices product qualities quality regularly request requested requirement research respond sales say selection selling sen serv servic serviced serving seventies shaoxing shipping show sinc so softwar sourc specialist specially specific stag standard start stock stocklot stoff strong succes supply supplying system t tal textil textiles that the their them then therefor this tim to top track turkey two ua up us using visit we wharehous what when wher who wholesaler with wol work working world year yet you your
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